You Tube Channels

There are too many good videos on you tube to list them all in my You Tube Links Page  so here are some channels that you might enjoy.

Super Simple Songs

Super Simple Songs is probably the largest and most professional of all the channels I am listing.  About 80% of the songs for my kindergarten classes are from super simple.  I strongly recommend it for younger students and their long compilation videos make great background music even for older students.


Kidstv123 is a very educational channel.  It covers a wide variety of ages and topics from basic numbers and colors through to geography.  If you would like background music you can play everything put it onto shuffle and it will go for hours.

Epic Phonics

I recently discovered this channel whilst looking for material to teach reading and I love it.  This channel is all about reading and I love their songs that are highly educational and also pleasant to listen to.

The Singing Walrus

This is a similar channel to Super Simple and like it, it has very high quality animated videos and professional sounding songs.


Another very professional channel, the highlight of this channel for me is its social skills playlist with songs like "I've got a bear that doesn't share" and "My hippo can't keep his hands to himself"

Maple Leaf Learning

This channel has some great songs, whilst writing this post I found the countries hello song which I might use for some classes.  It also looks like it has a lot of craft videos.



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